
Rank Full name Species total Last updated on Latest addition Age
1 Jonty Denton 12941 19th May, 2022 Leucoma salicis, Rondania fasciata, Epyris niger, Mompha terminella, Triaxomera fulvimitrella, Aplasta ononaria, Bethylus dendrophilus Phaulernis fulviguttella, Andrena pilipes, Philonthus sanguinolentus, Stenichnus bicolor Chrysis fulgida, Dasycela oliviella, Ochthebius viridis, Hardya melanopsis, Conioscinella gallarum, Phyllocnistis xenia, Ortholomus punctipennis 55
2 David Gibbs 11575 19th April, 2018 Rhagium inquisitor 28/10/15 reared from larvae found in Black Wood of Rannoch 31/3/14; Chestnut Bunting Emberiza rutila Papa Westray, 25/10/15
3 Mark Telfer 9137 29th January, 2024 Simacauda dicommatias (moth, leaf-mining Chilean Myrtle), Salticidae sp. X (jumping spider, NTB, no name as yet), Cryptachaea blattea (theridiid spider), Lichtensia viburni (Viburnum Cushion-scale), Cacopsylla fatsiae (= Psylla tetrapanaxae?) (psyllid on Tetrapanax), Crypturaphis grassi (Italian Alder Aphid), Aulacorthum solani (Glasshouse-Potato Aphid), Aculops fuchsiae (gall-causing mite on Fuchsia), Penlee Park/ Morrab Gardens, Penzance, 26.x.2023. Thunnus thynnus (Atlantic Bluefin Tuna), off Botallack, 25.x.2023. Spodoptera exigua (Small Mottled Willow), Cot Valley, 24-25.x.2023. Schistostega pennata (Goblin Gold moss), Carn Euny, 23.x.2023. Dasypolia templi (Brindled Ochre), Cot Valley, 22-23.x.2023.
4 Richard Comont 8920 2nd May, 2024 A couple of bioblitzes, in Leicester and Plymouth 39
5 Graeme Lyons 8803 13th January, 2024 As of 13th January 2024, my pan-species list is now up to date on https://panspecieslisting.com and I am no longer updating my list here. A huge thanks to BRC for funding this site over the last ten years. This website will be left running for the rest of the year, to allow time for people to move across to https://panspecieslisting.com and add their species but from today I will not be accepting any new accounts here. 45
6 Alastair Stevenson 8522 30th January, 2022 Some highlights from 2021: Clifden Nonpareil, Scarce Hook-tip, Barrett's Marbled Coronet, Northern Mockingbird, Long-toed Stint, Scilly Shrew, Lesser Horseshoe Bat, Laboratory Stick Insect, Lesser Octopus, Red Gurnard, Bombus muscorum, Opilo mollis, Clytra quadripunctata, Macropodia tenuirostris, Asterina phylactica, Hericium erinaceus, Clathrus archeri, Eumenes coarctatus, Formica rufibarbis, Lasius emarginatus, Lasius fuliginosus, Dilta chateri, Sabacon viscayanus, Peribalus strictus, Hemacerus mirmicoides, Zaraea fasciata, Urocerus gigas.
7 Stephen Plummer 8504 26th January, 2024 December: The slime moulds Metatricha vesparium, Hemitrichia clavata & Lamproderma violaceum (the latter in amazing quantity! Burnham Beeches); Physarum viride (bark culture from Tarn Hows, Lake District); Hericeum cirrhatum (Tiered Tooth); Stictis radiata on Rubus stems; Cheilosia nebulosa.
8 Steve Lane 8126 4th December, 2023 Just 22 new species to my list since the last update. these mainly comprise mosses and fungi.
9 Paul Bowyer 7950 5th September, 2023 Paratanytarsus inopterus
10 Nicola Bacciu 7788 21st July, 2021 Lichens from survey work - lots of New Rare and Interesting, plus several spiders from helping James McGill target appropriate geological areas for Civizelotes (several new colonies found in Devon) 53
11 Brian Eversham 7658 28th September, 2022 2018-2021 have been very lean years for diversity, as I've spent more time trying to write workable keys to the new elm species (latest version at https://www.wildlifebcn.org/sites/default/files/2021-07/Complete%20key%20to%20native%20and%20naturalised%20elms.pdf ). I've made some time in winter for more on Cladonia and Sphagnum, and in the New Forest, I finally found Cladonia mediterranea and C. zopfii, and North York Moors C. merochlorophaea and C. cryptochlorophaea. I've worked through nearly all the eastern Englisn Goldilocks Buttercup species too.
12 Tony Davis 7470 24th December, 2023
13 Andy Musgrove 7339 5th February, 2024 LIST NOW MOVED TO https://panspecieslisting.com 52
14 Julian Small 7273 2nd January, 2024 Arachnid: Pergamasus robustus. Bird: Black-throated Thrush. Bug: Phytocoris reuteri. Beetle: Enicmus brevicornis. Flies: Sphaeromias fasciatus Neoplatyura nigricauda, Mycomya flavicollis, Bradysia giraudi, Triarthria setipennis, Paranthomyza nitida, Metopia argyrocephala, Metopia staegeri and Phania funesta. Fungus: Phellinus ignarius. Hymenoptera: Ateleute linearis, Megastylus orbitator, Eubazus lepidus, Trichopria oogaster, Perithous scurra, Euura oligospila and Amblyaspis belus. Waxfly: Parasemidalis fuscipennis. 49
15 Tim Hodge 7210 8th November, 2022 Some recent IDs 09/06/21: Nebria livida, Dyschirius thoracicus, Pardosa monticola, Tetropium gabrieli, Botanophila laterella, Helcomyza ustulata, Rhamphomyia maculipennis, Rhamphomyia tarsata, Cidaphus alarius and Acrobasis suavella 67
16 Andrew Cunningham 7200 5th December, 2023 Rachispoda fuscipennis (Sphaeroceridae, Diptera)
17 Kevin Rylands 7114 7th January, 2024 A shorter end of year update after reaching 7K late summer, with a BUBO inspired stocktake adding a few but removing duplicates. Slum botany additions included Cobweb House-leek, Fern-leaved Corydalis and Shoddy Ragwort, with Phyllonorycter emberizaepenella leaf mines in Southampton, Suede Bolete Boletus subtomenosus on Scilly, and from the Warren, the leafhoppers Alnetoidea alneti & Balclutha punctata, the beetles Cafius xantholoma, Othius punctulatus, Sericoderus lateralis & Taeniapion urticarium, and the flies Scathophaga litorea & Xanthandrus comtus. Further afield Magnolia and Bay-breasted Warbler from two Pembrokeshire twitches plus Spiked Shieldbug Picromerus bidens and Skomer Vole and the Ventnor PSL safari added a host of exotica as the year ended including, a Ginkgo leafspot Bartheletia paradoxa, the ants Tapinoma ibericum & Hypoponera eduardi, and the millipede Cylindroiulus apenninorum, with Ear Shelled Slug Testacella haliotidea, the woodlouse Armadillidium nasatum and the beetle Nycteus meridionalis amongst the natives. 50
18 Matt Prince 7065 10th January, 2020 Obviously this year was dominated by the Spider Year List with an astounding 50 spider lifers in 2019 - almost one a week and it wasn't like i was starting from scratch. Congratulations to the winner Graeme, but you know I had a great time, plus some amazing spiders :- Dec - Thyreosthenius parasiticus, Panamomops sulcifrons Oct - Marpissa radiata, Glyphesis servulus, Walckenaeria alticeps, Clubiona rosserae, Hygrolycosa rubrofasciata,Neon valentulus, Scotina gracilipes Sep Macaroeris nidicolens, Tegenaria agrestis, Zoropsis spinimana (a beast now she's grown a bit), Anyphaena numida, Micaria subopaca, Nigma walckenaeri, Philodromus fallax (at last!), Agroeca proxima July Allomengea vidua June Gnaphosa occidentalis, Agyneta ramosa, Dipoena tristis, Entelecara omissa, Thanatus striatus, Salticus zebraneus, Pirata uliginosus, Erigone welchi May Zora silvestris, Nigma flavescens, Oxyopes heterophthalmus, Pirata tenuitarsis, Hypsosinga albovittata, Trichoncus affinis, Maso gallicus, Cheiracanthium virescens, Trichopterna cito, Theridion blackwalli , Araeoncus humilis, Euophrys herbigrada Apr Robertus arundineti Silometopus ambiguus, Walckenaeria obtusa, Centromerus serratus, Mermessus trilobatus (new for Devon), Saloca diceros May Mermessus denticulatus (new to UK), Entelecara erythropus, Silometopus incurvatus Feb Meioneta mollis, Typhochrestus digitatus, Walckenaeria monoceros 50
19 Seth Gibson 6979 22nd July, 2024
20 the late Eric Philp 6878 21st April, 2014 Eric's pan-species list is dated 3rd July 2012.
21 Simon Davey 6722 30th December, 2018 Rufous Turtle Dove, Radford's Flame Shoulder, Abia sericea, Andrena vaga
22 William Bishop 6632 13th January, 2024
23 Calum Urquhart 6444 16th March, 2021 Dicyrtomina ornata (Springtail), Bolitophagus reticulatus (Tenebrionid beetle), Pseudopsocus rostocki (Psocid). 23
24 John Martin 6274 4th November, 2023 Updated with 126 new species from 2023, many from Shropshire, often with Nigel Jones and local midweek outings with the wildlife group. Also trips to Isle of Wight with Andy Musgrove, Dorset and Cornwall. Year's highlights included New Forest Shieldbug, Large Conehead, my last Fumitory (Martin's Ramping-fumitory!), Baneberry and Yorkshire Sandwort at the nth attempt, Beautiful Marbled at Portland, Angle-striped Sallow in Shrewsbury, finally my first Brachyopa species and a rare twitch for Magnolia Warbler in Glamorgan. Quite a lot of flies to be determined and the bryophyte season is upon us. 64
25 Sam Thomas 6213 2nd January, 2024 391 new species in 2023: vast majority being vascular plants and Diptera 35
26 Malcolm Storey 6112 26th January, 2020 Steatonyssus periblepharus (bat mite)
27 John Coldwell 5860 15th March, 2021 Chrysolina marginata. 2014 additions now included, 92 diptera, mainly calypterates, all from Barnsley area. Quite a few chironomids new for 2015. Also Ring-necked Parakeet and a new mammal - Chinese Water Deer (not from Barnsley!) 2016 saw 52 new diptera recorded locally, mainly chironomids, 6 new to Yorkshire. Pipunculus oldenbergi was a large pipunculid found at 2 localites also new for Yorks. A mysterious agromyzid that so far has evaded determination awaits specialist attention. Dusky Thrush.
28 Neil Fletcher 5640 21st April, 2024 Great field trips with the Dipterists Forum to Salibury Plain and the Gower, BMIG to Wiltshire and PSL to Sandwich Bay have allowed me to add over 280 species in 2023.
29 Christian Owen 5450 16th February, 2024 Scolopendrellopsis subnuda, Ystrad Mynach (26/12/23) Polydesmus asthenestatus (new for Wales), Dinas Powys Woods (23/11/23). / Berthella plumula (Sea-slug) and Worm Pipefish from Aberthaw on 29/10/23.
30 George Tordoff 5397 28th January, 2023 First update for over 2 years. I've been mainly focussed on micro-moths, slow progress with other groups. 46
31 Sally Luker 5246 31st December, 2023
32 Sean Browne 5215 25th December, 2023 As of 13th January 2024, my pan species list is now up to date on https://panspecieslisting.com and I am no longer updating my list here. 67
33 Ali(stair) Shuttleworth 5119 6th June, 2024 {28.vii.2023 - 5,000th species Silky Wainscot} I am no longer updating my list here (well...)
34 Simon Van Toller 4934 5th January, 2024 59
35 Pete Forrest 4915 23rd December, 2023 End of year update
36 Martin Harvey 4809 7th June, 2023 Finally (it's only taken me six years or so!) I've got round to properly sorting out the links between my MapMate species names and my iRecord species names. I've also filtered out various species aggregates and sub-species that were being double-counted. I now have a much tidier, but shorter, list! This hides a few additions during 2018 (mostly flies and beetles), and also provides incentive to keep recording during 2019 :)
37 Martin Bell 4804 19th January, 2024 as of 19 January 2024 my pan-species list is now up to date on https://panspecieslisting.com ans I am no longer updating my list here 62
38 Bill Urwin 4803 24th November, 2023 Some nice fungal additions, a few gall causers, Red Gurnard and several Drosophila suzukii, new to UK in 2012, now all over the place. Males have nice black spot at end of wing. Open a glass of wine and sit and wait :-) 71
39 James Emerson 4778 7th February, 2023 Several churchyard lichens in Jan 2023.
40 Robert Yaxley 4704 3rd January, 2023 404 new species in 2022, lately been honing lichen/ fungi ID skills and doing a bit of insects and spiders on the side. 53
41 Colin Smith 4619 9th January, 2023 65
42 Keith Robson 4459 6th December, 2023 I rarely leave the county these days so I got a right sack-full in the last 2 months due to a holiday in South Devon (41 new plants - none that even occur in vc66) 3 new dragonflies, 4 new butterflies etc. etc.). Also trips with the North Pennines AONB Recording group means I have been sneaking into Yorkshire, Cumbria and Northumberland.
43 Nicholas Montegriffo 4316 9th June, 2021 River Warbler 62
44 Finley Hutchinson 4233 23rd December, 2023 Zostera anglica 19
45 Ryan Clark 4158 2nd April, 2023 29
46 James McCulloch 4104 27th August, 2022 New additions from working in Wytham Woods during August: Listrodromus nycthemerus, Allygidius commutatus, Columella aspera, Scymnus haemorrhoidalis, Oncotylus viridiflavus, Gasteruption assectator, Anacampsis blattarella, Arthaldeus pascuellus, Atomaria lewisi, Orthoperus brunnipes, Monotoma picipes, Omonadus floralis, Pomatias elegans, Corticaria impressa, Mompha epilobiella, Graphomya maculata, Closteromus norwegicus, Stilbus testaceus, Adarrus ocellaris, Anacaena globulus, Protapion assimile, Acanthothrips nodicornis, Platnickina tincta, Argyra leucocephala, Psylliodes chrysocephala, Plodia interpunctella, Conops quadrifasciatus, Trypoxylon clavicerum, Stictopleurus punctatonervosus, Anthicus antherinus, Bedellia somnulentella, Platycis minutus, Mocydia crocea. 19
47 James Harding-Morris 4047 25th July, 2024 Turkish Snail - my 100th mollusc! Red-tipped Clearwing - 23rd July. Corncrake - 2nd August. Edible Dormouse - 6th September. European Yellow-tailed Scorpion - 7th September. Willow Emerald, Grey Bush Cricket, Top Shell & Pointed Snail - 8th September. Wartbiter & Bacillus whitei (Slough's Wonder-stick) - 9th September. Lesser Grey Shrike - 10th October. Retrospectively added a brown hydra from a photo taken in 2011 - Hydra oligactis (Thanks to Brian Eversham for the ID!). Retrospectively added Red-veined Darter from a photo taken in 2009 because apparently I was an idiot in the past. So far in 2016 - Perez's Water Frog at Ham Wall, Aesculapian Snake (at long, long last), Glanville Fritillary, Red Helleborine, Fen Orchid, Wild Boar (at last!), actually saw Lady Amherst's Pheasant (at long, long, long last).
48 David Shute 4013 7th June, 2022 Platyrhinus resinosus 61
49 Mark Skevington 4010 4th February, 2024 All future list updates via BUBO [https://panspecieslisting.com/] 55
50 Nigel R Jones 3953 6th May, 2024 Highlights of 2024: Bankesia conspurcatella, Small Eggar 69
51 Stephen Howarth 3902 15th January, 2024 Only 108 species added in 2023, the fewest for several years. Best was probably Harvest Mouse (which made the mistake of coming into our cats' outdoor run but was rescued and released back into the garden). Other highlights include: Tetrops praeustus, Chrysis illigeri, Eulia ministrana, Chrysolina fastuosa, Metopoplax ditomoides, Rannoch Looper, Chrysolina polita, Water Measurer, Leiopus nebulosus, Issus coleoptratus, Lesser Centaury, Dune Robberfly, Platycephala planifrons, Golden-haired Robberfly, Hare's ear fungus, Scarlet Bonnet, Buttonweed. 54
52 Martin Gray 3837 20th January, 2024 14/01/2024 Northern Waterthrush, 07/10/2023 Agromyza johannae (Fly mine on Broom), 25/10/2022 Red-headed Bunting, 07/10/2023 Dytiscus marginalis Great Diving Beetle,10/2023 Box-tree Moth (at last),27/09/2023 Magnolia Warbler, 25/09/2023 Sharp-tailed Sandpiper,18/09/2023 Phyllonorycter pastorella (Moth leafmines)16/09/2023 Clifden nonpareil, 10/09/2023 Brown Booby, 07/09/2023 Phyllonorycter comparella (moth - mines), 1/09/2023 Mompha sturnipennella (Moth), 30/08/2023 Caloptilia cuculipennella (Moth leaf-mine on Ash),17/08/2023 Ochsenheimeria urella (Moth),11/08/2023 Gypsy Moth, Silver Barred, Pandemis dumetana, Ancylis paludana, Oblique Carpet (moths),7/8/2023 Blepharidopterus angulatus (Bug), Scarab Shieldbug, Pyrrhalta viburni (Beetle), 26/07/2023 Dichrorampha plumbagana (Moth),17/07/2023 Metoecus paradoxus (Beetle), Vanoyia tenuicornis (Soldier Fly),13/07/2023 Nemophora minimella (Moth),27/06/2023 Monochroa hornigi (Moth), 26/06/2023 Perittia obscurepunctella (Moth), Allantus togatus (Sawfly), Liriomyza puella (Fly), 25/06/2023 Scarlet Tiger, 22/06/2023 Obscure Wainscot (Moth), 15/06/2023 Rannoch Looper (Moth), 13/6/2023 Ammophila sabulosa - Red Banded Sand Wasp, Euura viridis (Sawfly), Cimbex femoratus (Sawfly),11/06/2023 Diaperis boleti (Beetle), 10/06/2023 Neosphaleroptera nubilana (Moth), 05/06/2023 Brachyopa insensilis (Hoverfly),01/06/2023 Stephensia brunnichella (Mega Micro Moth), Dascillus cervinus - Orchid Beetle, 31/05/2023 Great Snipe (bogey bird finally ticked), 30/06/2023 Euura vicina (Swafly larva), Phaedon amoraciae (Beetle), Tephritis respertina (Fly), 24/05/2023 Hypsosinga pygmaea & Enoplognatha mordax (Spiders), Melanimon tibialis & Calathus melanocephalus (Beetles), Philopedon plagiatum (Weevil), 11/05/2023 Rhinoncus pericarpius (Weevil) & Philonthus cognatus (Rove Beetle|), 29/04/2023 White-winged & Stejnegers Scoters, 02/05/2023 Grey-headed Lapwing, 25/04/2023 Pelenomus quadrituberculatus (Weevil),22/04/2023 Microlestes maurus (Beetle), 20/04/2023 Rhizophagys bipustulatus & Anistoma humeralis (Beetles), 63
53 Steven Gale 3831 26th May, 2023 1st June 2021: Starry Clover (Shoreham, West Sussex); 2nd June 2021: Lesser Marshwort (Headley Heath, Surrey); 5th June 2021: Rose Chafer (Balham, London) 64
54 Louis Parkerson 3811 16th July, 2024 Red-necked Grebe 20
55 Sam Buckton 3805 6th January, 2024 Stuff from St Nicks in York. Going through backlog (currently at 14/05/2022) 28
56 Mark Jackson 3706 26th July, 2017 After a visit to Meall Glas, Perthshire - Shepherds Cress, Melancholy thistle, Carex pauciflora, Lesser twayblade, Northern billberry, Cranberry, Northern Bedstraw, Alpine meadow rue, Alpine Bistort, Hair sedge, Beech Fern, New Zealand Willowherb, Purple saxifrage, Grey Mountain Carpet (Entephria caesiata). 55
57 Neil Harvey 3642 16th April, 2024 Gymnetron villosulum, Grammotaulius nitidus - first Essex record since 1936, Cyrnus trimaculatus, Blepharidopterus angulatus, Clifden Nonpareil, Clancy's Rustic, Plain Wave, Bradycellus verbasci, Cerationostoma ostiorum, Psylliodes chrysocephala, Malvapion malvae, Longitarsus ballotae 53
58 Harry Witts 3618 30th October, 2023 Strensall Common 16/7/23- Euura collactanea, Carpatolechia alburnella, Aristotelia ericinella 23
59 David Winnard 3611 12th January, 2024 2023 (Aug) - Yellow Bearded Milkcap, Yellowdrop Milkcap, Stump Milkcap, Russula torulosa, Entoloma griseocyaneum, Scutellinia crinita, Ramularia parietariae, Ramularia agrimoniae, Puccinia brachypodii var. poae-nemoralis, Vinegar Brittlegill, Cortinarius croceocoeruleus 37
60 Dave Emley 3477 8th January, 2023 71
61 Andy Kirby 3367 22nd July, 2021 1st July. Just back from Orkney & Scottish Highlands, with White-tailed Sea Eagle, Pine Marten, Scots Primrose, Great Yellow Bumblebee etc. Plus Orange Moth, Little Scissor Bee & Wool-carder Bee from home.
62 Duerden Cormack 3364 10th February, 2024 Geophilus osquidatum - Hemingford Grey, Cambridgeshire (list now on Bubo!) 24
63 Paul Clack 3263 2nd January, 2024 End of 2023 update. 144 new sp. this year for me. Best bits were migratory locust (county 1st in our garden), 2x weekends at Portland that delivered a bunch of moths and other stuff, and various rockpool fair including a few wish list species. 47
64 Adrian Knowles 3239 16th January, 2024 The micro-moth Eucosma pupillana from Wormwood in the Lee Valley, Middlesex. 60
65 John Pilgrim 3216 6th February, 2023 48
66 Brian Hedley 3211 11th February, 2024 56
67 Jeff Blincow 3164 22nd April, 2015 Agonum sexpunctatum at Hankley Common 15/04/15
68 Dave Horton 3161 29th October, 2023 66
69 Stuart Warrington 3146 1st December, 2023 Aculus laevis Galls on Salix caprea. Red star thistle Centaurea calcitrapa at Litlington Sussex. Dacne rufifrons from fungus. 64
70 Brad Scott 3112 20th June, 2021 14 June: Anthus trivialis (Tree Pipit) [Ashdown Forest]; 10 June: Cochylis nana (Birch Conch), Smerinthus ocellata (Eyed Hawk-moth) [Forest Row]; 6 June: Cephalanthera damasonium (White Helleborine) [Leckhampton Hill]; 5 June: Ornithogalum umbellatum (Star-of-Bethlehem), Cirsium eriophorum (Woolly Thistle), Phylloscopus trochilus (Willow Warbler) [Glyme Valley]; 4 June: Dactylorhiza incarnata (Early Marsh-orchid) [Bourton-on-the-Water]; 4 June: Phylloscopus sibilatrix (Wood Warbler) [Ashdown Forest]; 2 June: Eupithecia pulchellata (Foxglove Pug), Chloroclysta siterata (Red-green Carpet), Ptilodon capucina (Coxcomb Prominent), Watsonalla cultraria (Barred Hook-tip), Cerura vinula (Puss Moth), Thera britannica (Spruce Carpet), Drymonia dodonaea (Marbled Brown), Epinotia bilunana (Crescent Bell), Caradrina clavipalpis (Pale Mottled Willow), Notocelia cynosbatella (Yellow-faced Bell) [Forest Row]
71 the late Alan Cawthrow 3075 11th June, 2017 Sibe Acc., Dusky Thrush, Russula nigricans, Collybia dryophila, Vitria crystallina, Macrosiphum euphorbiae. 58
72 Mark Lawlor 3030 8th September, 2023 3025 Sterna forsteri Forster's Tern 3026 Scrophularia nodosa Common Figwort 3027 Formica rufa 3028 Nemobius sylvestris Wood Cricket 3029 Tringa solitaria Solitary Sandpiper 3030 Choreutis nemorana Fig-leaf Skeletoniser
73 Matthew Harrow 3026 1st April, 2023 Spent some time going through a large bulk of my Diptera backlog from pinned specimens dating back to 2016 and most of the freezer specimens from 2022.
74 Paul Edward Hodges 2992 24th March, 2020 Brown Knapweed in flower in March on a visit to Culverwell on the Isle of Portland, Dorset. 50
75 Tim Strudwick 2966 12th November, 2014
76 Georgie Wightman-Smith 2949 23rd November, 2023 Six-belted Clearwing, Phylus coryli, Epinotia rubiginosana, Notocelia trimaculana, Tipula unca, Coleophora deauratella, Beautiful Snout, Schoenobius gigantella, Beris vallata, Idiocerus laminatus, Megaloceroea recticornis, Stathmopoda pedella, Roseate Tern, Lilac Beauty, Lyme Grass, Long-eared Owl, Temmincks Stint, Star Wort. 16
77 Christopher Glanfield 2940 12th November, 2021 54
78 Will George 2932 27th November, 2023 April 2021: Eristalis similis new to Bedfordshire the highlight, also lots of ladybirds including horseshoe and dot. 38
79 Debs Rylands 2914 2nd July, 2019 Bombus ruderatus ღ Coelioxys mandibularis
80 Sean Foote 2895 12th November, 2017
81 Seb Buckton 2867 10th November, 2023 May-June 2019 highlights: Burnt Orchid, Monkey Orchid, Narrow-leaved Helleborine, Meadow Clary, Balkan Spurge, Adders-tongue Spearwort, Narrow-leaved Water-Plantain; moths Adela reaumurella and Hemp Agrimony Plume, Aedes hartmanniana; butterflies Pearl-bordered and Marsh Fritillaries. Little Bustard at Slimbridge 23/6/19. Walnut Orb Spider Nuctenea umbratica. 57
82 Richard Shotbolt 2858 8th January, 2018 Bittern, Redpoll and Siskin at RSPB Needingworth
83 Danny Cooper 2804 1st January, 2024 Really got listing going again with an end of year count of 889 species, BUBO carried out some fantastic work adding pan species listing to the rankings helped sort out my lists with taxonomic updates, synonyms species, my dyslexic Latin and the addition of my one cyanobacteria (also adding several species I have seen but never added to lists). Birding year list of 146 was my best total since 2012, with the addition of Lesser Grey Shrike and Issy Wheatear to my BOU list. Trips to Lanzarote and Mallorca added to my European and Spanish totals. This year was my best year for fungi, arachnids and diptera with hemiptera equalling 2006, I had 38 new fungi and 13 new arachnids. Highlights have to have been getting abroad again especially to the Canary Islands and seawatching at Porthgwarra. Also Montagu’s Seasnail and Many Eyed Flatworm, I've added a few celestial objects too (Saturn and Neptune added to my Spanish list!). No new fossils this year though. 2024 listing now on BUBO PSL new site.
84 Roger Wilkinson 2718 22nd November, 2021 Pallas's Grasshopper Warbler, Collared Earthstar
85 Robert Price 2711 8th February, 2020 Siberian Stonechat, The Delicate, Otter, Limonium hyblaeum, Stephanitis takeyi, Land hopper, Nomada flavoguttata, Nomada ruficornis
86 Matthew Jones 2705 11th January, 2024 Mostly been looking at bryophytes lately. Some nice new species include Riccia beyrichiana, Sphagnum warnstorfii, S. contortum, Drepanocladus turgescens and Bryum apinum. 29
87 Tristan Bantock 2665 20th June, 2023 2022-23 highlights Polydrusus inustus, Penestragania apicalis, Dendroxena quadrimaculata, Amara strenua, Paraphotistus nigricornis, Bagous argillaceus, Triplax lacordairii, Paradromius longiceps, Brachinus sclopeta
88 John Lyden 2640 24th March, 2024 64
89 Dan Hoare 2604 8th April, 2017 Spring Cinquefoil; Bristol Rock-cress; Coleophora ochrea
90 Kian Hayles-Cotton 2603 11th June, 2024 Devil's Fingers, Slender Club, Slender Rush, Foxglove Tree, Ladder Fern, Musk Stork's-bill, Ivy Broomrape, Thames Door Snail, Four-leaved Allseed, Greek Dock, Fiddle Dock, Water Bent, Rusty Dot Pearl 23
91 Sue R Lambert 2556 23rd November, 2022 Hoopoe 76
92 Graham French 2556 17th February, 2019 Formica exsecta (Narrow-headed wood ant), Colletes hederae (Ivy bee), Leptoglossus occidentalis (Western Conifer Seed Bug)
93 Martin Fowlie 2537 18th July, 2021 Harpalus griseus, Polistichus connexus
94 Paul Martin Hill 2534 23rd May, 2015 Micropterix calthella, Atherix ibis, Rhagio notatus and several new hoverflies
95 Liam Andrews 2515 28th December, 2023 27
96 Aisling Dyson-Muffet 2460 18th September, 2018 Asterina gibbosa
97 Terry Box 2444 26th October, 2021 My highlight in this dreadful year 2020 was a new moth for Yorkshire, Metalampra italica caught in the parking spot next to the house, Langthorpe, VC65.
98 Chris Shortall 2431 4th September, 2017 2431:Nephantes titan; 2430:Erysiphe polygoni; 2429:Suillia variegata; 2428:Palloptera quinquemaculata; 2427:Hypsosinga pygmaea; 2426:Himacerus (Aptus) mirmicoides; 2425:Vulpia bromioides; 2424:Hordeum murinum; 2423:Lonchoptera nigrociliata; 2422:Cantharis lateralis; 2421:Anapausis talpae; 2420:Physiphora alceae
99 Marilyn Abdulla 2429 11th November, 2023 Rosa mollis, Soft Downy-rose. I try to go out with the Norfolk Flora Group most weeks and usually see something interesting. 69
100 Jon Holt 2335 17th October, 2023
