Insects: Lepidoptera: moths


Flatropers Wood survey update

Although this Lappet at Woods Mill yesterday stole the show, being one of my long standing bogeys, we did have a number of interesting records from Flatropers Wood on the survey there. The best being the nationally scarce (Nb) White-line Snout which was new to me and the very attractive micro Caloptilia alchimiella. Other nice moths included Satin Lutestring and the nationally scarce Anania...

NMN Tick

Skev's picture

Got me a mothy tick on National Moth Night. We've got unprecedented vehicular access to a large wood in VC55 this year - Swithland Wood. Lots of very old mature oaks in the area I was trapping with good species range despite the less than ideal conditions and torrential deluge an hour after dark ......

Catch included Epagoge grotiana - new for me. This site is likely to throw up some good stuff - new for VC55 Rosy Marbled taken there a couple of weeks ago.


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