Skev's blog

NMN Tick

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Got me a mothy tick on National Moth Night. We've got unprecedented vehicular access to a large wood in VC55 this year - Swithland Wood. Lots of very old mature oaks in the area I was trapping with good species range despite the less than ideal conditions and torrential deluge an hour after dark ......

Catch included Epagoge grotiana - new for me. This site is likely to throw up some good stuff - new for VC55 Rosy Marbled taken there a couple of weeks ago.


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And I am not referring to cattle.

Whilst there are many things I am yet to see, longhorn beetles generally are good to see and of these I was hoping to see Anaglyptus mysticus in particular this year. I was therefore well chuffed to sweep one off of hawthorn locally on Friday late afternoon. Whilst very compliant for a photo, it would happily sit still on anything but hawthorn .......

Like all such things, having seen one for the first time on Friday...

Damaged Balls

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Had a good relaxed couple of hours out late morning. Free from the shackles of last year's 1000 in 1kmsq, I spent most of the time in my 1kmsq ...


Nothing new for the list (at least I don't think so, but I have a couple of bits potted up to check). A few spring day-flying moths about (Adela reaumurella, Incurvaria masculella, Pammene rhediella, Elachista apicipunctella, Anthophila fabriciana) but otherwise a bit quiet apart from lots of diptera and sawflies of the varieties that I tend to ignore at the moment. Not much beetle action either, but Ischnomera cyanea nice...

Finding a Dor Key

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Been trying to sort out this dor beetle that I found around deer dung yesterday in VC55, using the RES Key (Jessop 1986). Struggled with that, trying to work out what tibial carina are, what they look like and whether mine had them. Better results using the Mike Hackston key suggested by Martin Harvey, and comparison of the mandlbles to the illustrated Beetle News newsletters. I've now convinced myself that this is indeed Geotrupes stercorarius - the Dor Beetle.

Beach Combing

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Been poking about in rock pools at Westwood Ho! and Woolacombe over the last couple of days whilst down here in North Devon with family, although beach football and ice creams have been strong competition for my attention. Nothing too exciting or unexpected I guess, but then again I wasn't kitted out for rock pooling . Ticks include two different paddleworm species (Phyllodoce lamelligera and Eulalia viridis), a chiton (Lepidochitona cinerea), two fish (Rock Goby and Shanny), a few of the commoner marine snails that I've previously overlooked (including Thick Top Shell, Flat Top Shell,...


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