Location rankings

Rank Title Description Species total
31 Hedgecourt SSSI

A tiny site of flooded woodland, reedbed and open water on the West Sussex-Surrey border, sometimes bearing resemblance to the everglades after heavy rain! 

32 Sapcote Parish, Leicestershire

Rural parish in Leicestershire. Details at naturespot.org.uk/parish/sapcote .

33 Dunwich Heath (NT)

Dunwich Heath, on the coast in East Suffolk, is a large area of good quality heathland habitat, with soft cliffs onto a sand/shingle beach below (c 110 ha, purchased by the National Trust 1968). There are wetland habitats along the southern edge, which is adjacent to RSPB Minsmere. To the north, the NT is restoring several ex-arable fields to acid grassland and heathland at Mount Pleasant (c. 30 ha, purchased 2002). Several rare species, such as breeding Dartford Warbler, Wood Lark, Adder, and populations of Ant-Lion, plus many unusual bee and wasp species.

34 Cullaloe LNR, Fife

A Scottish Wildlife Trust reserve in Fife, VC85, which was formerly the reservoir for nearby Burntisland before being decommissioned in the 1980s.

The reserve comprises two ponds, the main one of which is an SSSI because it contains Mudwort, for which the water level is dropped in the autumn. Other water features include a stream flowing along one flank and some filter beds from the reservoir. There is some mixed woodland, a small stand of pines and extensive Willow/Birch scrub.

35 Ickworth Park (NT)

Ickworth is a 725 ha estate in West Suffolk, owned by the National Trust. The main nature conservation value of the site lies in the mature and veteran trees, especially in the parkland, which support many nationally scarce and rare invertebrates. Other areas of high conservation interest include ancient semi-natural woodlands, old secondary woodlands and the rich wetland habitats associated with Fairy Lake, the River Linnet and a series of ponds. The grasslands have mostly been improved, but there are some areas of greater diversity.

36 Shortheath Common

Hampshire County Council owned SSSI / SAC.

37 Woods Mill Sussex Wildlife Trust Reserve

Woods Mill is the headquarters of the Sussex Wildlife Trust and an environmental education centre. The nature reserve provides a peaceful setting comprising coppice woodland, meadows, big hedgerows and a large reed-fringed pond.

38 Burton & Chingford Ponds LNR

A microcosm of different habitats within one site - various woodland, carr, wet heath, bog, acid grassland and two large ponds. Jointly managed by Sussex Wildlife Trust and West Sussex County Council.

39 Beddington Farmlands


400 acre site in South London currently being developed into a major urban nature reserve. Mixed habitat of lakes, species rich grassland, woodland edge, old sewage farm and landfill


40 RSPB Scotland Loch Lomond

A large reserve on the south-east shore of Loch Lomond with a huge variety of habitats, including dry ancient woodland, carr, conifer plantation, wet meadows, ditches, rivers and streams, ponds, bog, fen, dry grassland, rocky shore, sandy shore, and the magnificent loch itself.



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