Tweaks, gripes and improvements to this website

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Tweaks, gripes and improvements to this website

Hi all, as this is a work in progress, there will always be tweaks, gripes and improvements that we can make to improve it. I'm not saying we will be abale to implement all of them but they will all at least be considered. No matter how mundane or radical, please comment below or email me directly with suggestions. Many thanks.

Graeme and the PSL team

Gibster (not verified)
Could we have the option of

Could we have the option of editing/deleting comments once they've been submitted? Eg - I leave a comment after somebody's blog post, realise I've made a typo or worded something badly and want to edit/delete it but can't.

Gibster (not verified)
Like now! I should have

Like now! I should have mentioned that yes, there is the 'Preview' box - but I didn't think about that until after I'd posted!

Yes I'll pass that on, I

Yes I'll pass that on, I would of thought that would have been default!