15th April 2014 - Batty Antics

Spent most of the afternoon down at Kynance Cove and Lizard Point at the extreme southern tip of Britain, again with fellow PSLer Danny Cooper and our better halves. Whilst the ladies enjoyed lounging on the beach, Dan and I hit a stream and the heath finding a few bits and bobs. River Limpets were only my second sightings of the species. We hummed and aahed at various mosses and plants not in flower and a pair of Choughs were a nice bonus as they passed overhead. We tried to string various small grasses into Pillwort but failed. Repeatedly...

Back at St Blazey that evening Dan took me to a secret location where bats roost in a church porchway. We stealth-ninja'd our way into the churchyard in darkness and were immediately confronted by a chap with Dwarf Ferrets on a leash who told us there were bats in the porchway and the church organist hates them because of the droppings that gather in the doorway. Hmmm....not quite the top secret bat site that we thought it was after all! The porchway has a heavy iron gate across it at night. I immediately noticed bat droppings all over the floor and craning our heads upwards we could clearly see a bat directly above us! The bat detector was silent until Dan switched the dial to 108khz whereupon we heard a strange warble coming out of the speakers, nothing like any bat call I'd ever heard before. We briefly played a low-intensity torch across the bat and saw the large ears and bizarre nose through naked eye views, the bat spinning its head back and forth doubtless in an effort to figure out what the big soft objects were that had suddenly appeared beneath its feeding spot. LESSER HORSESHOE BAT Rhinolophus hipposideros was very definitely on my list and is my 48th British mammal.

So that's three consecutive vertebrate lifers in two days which isn't something that happens for me very often nowadays!